Friday 25 November 2011

euhehehehe~ :3

Zico with his blonde hair^^

Handsome + Hot + Sexy!!xD

*thanx to Alia sebab dia yg jumpa gmbar ni:)

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Thursday 29 September 2011

seronok gler!

ary niy en, kitorg [aq, syera, ain, alia, miera] braye sakan smpai ta igt na balek uma! maklum larw an, da hjung blan syawal niy.. so kitorg enjoy ar puas2.. mle2 g uma alia [tp aq lmbat :P] , dpt gak larw tgok comeback stage B1A4 ngn KARA! thanx alia!! :D hehe, pas tu en kitorg g uma syera plak.. kt uma syera lg best! mcm2 bnde kitorg buat.. kitorg ad maen stu game niy, ape nth nme game tu [ta igt. game tu lbey kurang cm dance battle]. prestasi kitorg masih ta memuaskn but, KESAH PLAK AQ NGN SUME TU!! haha :D belasah er.. lps tu ain balek :c huhu.. tp keseronokan kitorg blom br'akhir! na tawu ape kitorg buat?? kitorg maen ping pong! hahaxD trok gler kitorg maen.. syera ta heran sgt sbb dye da terer maen ping pong.. ttibe en, fon aq vibrate.."uhh?? mk aq call!" then, aq angkt.. pnyer larw tr'kjot aq dgr suare mk aq yg nyaring tu, "IKA!! kt mne tu?? da ta igt jln na balek uma ke??? hurm, kne balek jgk larw jwb nyer niy.. mmg kitorg [aq, alia, miera] kne balek pown sbenarnyer.. sbb mk alia ngn miera pown call sruh lps tu kitorg balek..  ermm, i'll stop here. nnty kyte cite psl bnde laen plak, eh??? hehe^^ bubye

카라 언니 :D

I don't know how I can be interested in the famous girl group, KARA! LoLxD I think I became interested in them after they make the third album, Step. I like their songs from the new album, especially 'Step' !! :) 

and I think I should support them after this.. KARA HWAITING!! :D

Tuesday 27 September 2011

I missed this guy so muchxD

well, as you guys know.. this is Block B's leader, Zico.

but now, he has new hairstyle.. he looks really awesome + handsome!! 

however, I still miss Jamaican Beggar..
also Hello Kitty! hehe :)

Monday 26 September 2011

yeayy! finally i have my own blog :D

mle2 igtkn ssah na buat tp sbenarnyer senang jerw.. hehe :)
seronok plak bler ad blog. niy sume sbb br'jangkit dr syahirah..
klu dlm seminggu, dkt 3-4 kali dye cite psl blog dye..
then.. ta taw larw ape mimpi ary niy, bkak jerw laptop tros buat blog niy..
tp blog niy ta perfect lg ar.. ad yg na kne edit and sbagainyer..
humphh.. kay larw, nnty sambung agy..
bubye :3